January Newsletter
Fellow Workers,
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2019! Feedback and collaboration are always encouraged. Simply reply to this email with comments or questions.
In addition to the events listed below, you can always check the Google Calendar of the NYC General Defense Committee (GDC) for more happenings. If you would like to submit radical events in and around New York City to the calendar, email details to [email protected].
Every Day at Various Times: We need Fellow Workers to participate in consumer education. Please email [email protected] if you would like to sign up for a shift. We have also started a Slack to coordinate our consumer education shifts. Please email [email protected] if you would like to be added.
Tuesday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m.: Attend an orientation for new members of the NYC General Membership Branch (GMB). The orientation will take place prior to our monthly branch meeting and acquaint you with the history of the IWW, current NYC GMB campaigns, rules for how the monthly meeting proceeds, and more. For location details, email [email protected].
Tuesday, February 12 at 7 p.m.: Attend the monthly meeting of the IWW NYC GMB. For location details, email [email protected].
Thursday, January 31 at 6:30 p.m.: Act in solidarity with garment workers from Los Angeles by pressuring Barbara Rentler, CEO of Ross clothing company, to pay out $800,000 in stolen wages. Register for the event on Facebook.
Saturday, March 16 at 11 a.m.: Join United Against Racism and Fascism NYC for their March Against Racism and Fascism. Register for the event on Facebook.
Don’t forget: The NYC GMB has put together a variety of resources that can aid you in your organizing, including the one-pager (Spanish version) and the trifold. If you need access to any of those documents, email [email protected]. If you would like to distribute them, but lack funds for printing, consider making a motion to that end at the next GMB meeting or over Loomio.
We have a new branch secretary! FW Jay has stepped in to become the secretary of the NYC IWW GMB for 2019. A big congratulations, and thanks, to FW Jay!
“Movie Review: Norma Rae,” Organizing Work _(by FW Eric of the NYC GMB)
“General Strikes Explained,” _Teen Vogue
“How Rush City Inmates Organized a Successful Prison Strike,” Pacific Standard (by FW Arvind of the NYC GMB)